The Unclassifiable Library Remix

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Monthly Report for September 2012

Access Services Department
Monthly Report
September 2012

Access Services Activities

We had a fairly typical month.  Student assistant management remained busy – both with timesheets, needed updates to our Blackboard training site, getting their pictures in so that we can learn who is who, and their day to day task management.

Study room requests were heavy this month, and seemed higher than normal, which means we could be in for a very busy exam season.

Additionally, I updated reserves policy to reflect the change in the access point from the Library to Blackboard, and dealt with numerous student fee issues.

Library Activities

I participated in/attended the following Library events in the month of September:

September 19th – Information Literacy session for Beth Froeba’s Freshman Seminar class
September 25th – Goodreads book club meeting
September 27th – Liaison Luncheon
September 27th – Second Life book club reading from George Orwell’s 1984

Additionally, I worked on SACS Assessment reports and spent quite a bit more time than usual on duty at the reference desk, including my scheduled weekend.

I planned, gathered materials, and with the help of my student assistant Brittany, assembled the Library’s annual Banned Books Week Display.  Jean and I are both posting on Facebook this week about our favorite banned books to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Banned Books Week.  I am also participating in the Banned Books Week virtual read out on YouTube later in Banned Books Week.

Access Services staff participated in/attended the following Library events in the month of September:

September 6th and 24th – FOL meetings – Chris Bowyer
September 24th – Staff Development meeting – Chris Bowyer
September 26th – Pembroke Day – Chris helped with selling hot dogs for FOL and Penny and
Tela worked at the Library’s Pembroke Day Table.
September 28th – FOL Calendar Sale at the football game – Chris Bowyer

University Activities

I participated in/attended the following University events in the month of September:

September 4th and 20th – SAGA meetings
September 5th – Faculty Senate meeting
September 10th – SPARC meeting and reception
September 12th – Town Hall meeting
September 20th – FIAC meeting

Professional Development

Tela Brooks participated in an OCLC webinar “Document Delivery using OCLC Article Exchange.”

Community Service

I am volunteering with Girl Scouts again this year, and attended the first meeting of the year for Daisy Troop 498 on September 20th.

Respectfully submitted,

June L. Power
Access Services/Reference Librarian
October 3, 2012

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