The Unclassifiable Library Remix

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Days when we are short staff both at circulation and reference are incredibly long, as I work in both areas.  As the Access Services Librarian, I have to cover any staff shortages at the circulation desk when those I supervise are out.  It is nice thought to work on the front lines, though I wish it was less laptops and TV series, and more interesting works.  I love to see what others are reading and watching when it is something interesting.  Also worked on book club planning, reserves issues, time sheets, student group paperwork, and updating spreadsheets for contract spending. Had the additional fun of having a student call and berate me for his irresponsibility regarding his very minor library fine.  He called me unprofessional and said if it was so minor a charge I could pay it.  Being sick I was less patient than I usually am and let him know he was free to take it up with the dean, but that he would have to pay the fine.  End of conversation.

Then I took my sick self to reference, where I tried not to breathe on too many things so that the person following me had less to de-germify at shift change.  Lots of students in for study materials on the GRE and MAT today.  Some other interesting queries came up, which always makes working reference enjoyable.  This is why I became a librarian. well that and free access to all the books I want.  One professor was looking up our CD collection on teaching music through performance and a student was looking for articles on the politics behind the foundation of the Appalachian trail.  Would have been far easier to assist the latter had his butt not been hanging out of his pants, but we ended up finding some sources that would help him with his research. Helped another student find juvenile books in the catalog - she was pleased to learn that she could limit her search from the beginning rather than wading through a bunch of irrelevant results.

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