Wednesdays are my favorite day of the week, in that I almost never have desk duty at either circulation or reference, both which will increase at the beginning of the semester due to the loss of the university library tech for public services who helped with coverage at both locations.
How did I make use of my day? First, I have been behind on my email since I returned for vacation. I make extensive use of email filtering and I leave discussion lists for last, focusing on those folders for university and library lines of communication when I get bogged down. I catch up on the rest when I have time, and did so for a little bit this morning. I hate to get too behind on these lists, because many of them pertain to the systems we use to function, such as ILLiad which I found out needed to be scheduled for an upgrade (which I promptly did lest I forget later.) I got down to only two folders of unread messages - yay me! =) That feels like a major accomplishment, even if accomplished quickly this morning due to careful scanning of subject lines enabling me to delete anything not pertinent to me at glance.
I then got busy on assembling my display, after getting the prints I had asked for yesterday this morning. I so appreciate how quickly the other librarian got back to me, as I know everyone is swamped and it's summer, and no one feels like getting one more thing to do. My display, as mentioned previously in this forum, was developed from a meme and can be found on my facebook page - Get HBO Programming Early - Read Books display. The display at the library is on a freestanding display board that is about as high as me and slightly longer than it is high, and is a bi-fold. I printed the meme poster sized and the cover art at full page or half page size to decorate the board. In the facebook album, I included links to the library's catalog for all the items we held (which was the majority of the selections) and HBO series information. Several of these are personal favorites especially Sookie/True Blood and Game of Thrones. Movies also seem to be pulling more frequently from plot novels. Though it has always happened, it seems to me that it is happening at an increasing rate, but I have no statistical proof of that so it might just be my perception.
Student assistant application review continued - I have to respond to their email plus update the application in the career center database. I get about ten applications a day at peak times of the year, often supplemented by additional emails introducing themselves, submitting resumes, sending me schedules, and asking questions about working at the library. I sent my first two completed contracts over to HR today, which is always a good feeling. I have them hand delivered to HR across campus, as I want to ensure they are received. Not until HR inputs the contract into Banner do student assistants have access to time sheets and can begin working, so sooner is always better.
Our annual summer cookout was held today despite the early morning rain. We always have hot dogs in the summer as part of staff development week. I am glad they include kosher dogs, as the other kind creep me out. There was also chili, slaw, beans, chips, and watermelon - YUM! =) This was followed by the State of the Library address from our interim dean. This was a short meeting just to let us know where we stood in searching for a new dean, to let us know her background in various areas, and to let us know what to expect in the forthcoming year. Already I can say it's great - the meeting was less than thirty minutes long. ; > Always a bonus.
I spent the rest of the afternoon attempting to write, but with band camp right outside my office I am having severe trouble concentrating. I really am looking forward to Friday's field trip simply to escape the incessant drumming.
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