Warriors (a poem)
Oct 29, 2011 8:47:00 PM
by Dan Doyle, Vietnam Veteran
“People who talk about libraries dying out are the ones who remember the libraries of their childhood,” says American Library Association (ALA) President, Molly Raphael, from her home in Portland, Ore. “But the library of today is not the library of our childhood, and the library that children see today is not the library we’ll see in 20 years.”
These days, librarians need to not only be tech-savvy, but also play the role of teacher, research guide, electronic-information navigator and employment counselor. As communication and information become increasingly digital, libraries and librarians help people to keep up with what has become the norm.
in economically challenging times such as these, library use increases significantly
While the increase in usage can be attributed to people having less discretionary income for books and magazines, it is also due to libraries’ continued evolution. Offering musical scores, toys, art, CDs and DVDs, radiation detectors, portable smoke detectors, tools, kilowatt-measuring devices, zines, seeds and more, libraries have become lenders of a variety of useful items. Some even offer ways for patrons to contribute to collections through reviews, comments, the transcription of materials into digital format, uploading computer programs of their own design, and more.
Libraries in general are pioneers of the sharing movement. Long before organizations were “going green,” libraries were there, showing us how it’s done. In fact, libraries are a perfect introduction for people who are wary of the whole sharing economy. One can simply say, “It’s like a library, but for cars (or bikes or tools etc.).”
In general, libraries are working diligently to keep up with, and push ahead of, society’s curve. If we hold on to our nostalgic notions of what libraries once were, we deem them relics of a time gone by. However, if we support libraries through their evolutionary process, they remain vital community resources and hubs; unwavering providers of information to all, whatever form that information may take.
Read more at shareable.net
This is one of the sobering truths these librarians
have learned
students rarely ask librarians for help, even when they need it. The idea of a librarian as an academic expert who is available to talk about assignments and hold their hands through the research process is, in fact, foreign to most students. Those who even have the word “librarian” in their vocabularies often think library staff are only good for pointing to different sections of the stacks.
One thing the librarians now know is that their students' research habits are worse than they thought.
“The majority of students -- of all levels -- exhibited significant difficulties that ranged across nearly every aspect of the search process,”
They tended to overuse Google and misuse scholarly databases. They preferred simple database searches to other methods of discovery, but generally exhibited “a lack of understanding of search logic” that often foiled their attempts to find good sources.
If we quietly hope to convert all students to the liberal ideals of higher education, we may miss opportunities to connect with a pragmatic student body,
“Now more than ever, academic librarians should seek to ‘save time for the reader.’
“the extent to which students appeared to lack even some of the most basic information literacy skills that we assumed they would have mastered in high school.” Even students who were high achievers in high school suffered from these deficiencies
In other words: Today’s college students might have grown up with the language of the information age, but they do not necessarily know the grammar.
Even when students turned to more scholarly resources, that did not necessarily solve the problem. Many seemed confused about where in the constellation of library databases they should turn to locate sources for their particular research topic: Half wound up using databases a librarian “would most likely never recommend for their topic.”
Years of conditioning on Google
instilled them with a stunted understanding of how to finely tune a search in order to home in on usable sources
“Students generally treated all search boxes as the equivalent of a Google search box, and searched ‘Google-style,’ using the ‘any word anywhere’ keyword as a default,” they wrote.
Unsurprisingly, students using this method got either too many search results or too few. Frequently, students would be so discouraged they would change their research topic to something more amenable to a simple search.
not one asked a librarian for help.
students were just as unaware of the extent of their own information illiteracy as everyone else
Another possible reason was that students seek help from sources they know and trust, and they do not know librarians. Many do not even know what the librarians are there for. "I don't think I would see them and say, 'Well, this is my research, how can I do this and that?' " one senior psychology major told the researchers. "I don't see them that way. I see them more like, 'Where's the bathroom?' " Other students imagined librarians to have more research-oriented knowledge of the library but still thought of them as glorified ushers.
Unfortunately, professors are not necessarily any more knowledgeable about library resources than their students are.
And many professors, like many librarians, overestimate the research fluency of their students.
, “One of the professors said, ‘You mean they come to the library without the assignment?’
“Yes. Yes, they do.
In her contribution to the ERIAL tome, called “Pragmatism and Idealism in the Academic Library,” Thill wrote about the tension between library pragmatism -- the desire to satisfy the minimum requirements of a research assignment -- and library idealism, which glorifies the tedious unearthing and meticulous poring-over of texts. Unsurprisingly, most students tacked toward pragmatism, while “librarians and professors [repeatedly] wished that students could invest more time in contemplation and discovery, painting an idealized portrait of students leisurely wandering the stacks or pensively sitting down to await inspiration.”
Teaching efficiency is not a compromise of librarianship,
understanding the limitations of library idealism in practice, and acting pragmatically when necessary.Read more at www.insidehighered.com
What People Don't Get About Working in a Library |
Aug 9 2011, 5:00 PM ET |
The Librarian #1 "We are not mere cart pushers. This job requires a Masters degree for a reason." |
The Librarian #2 "I am an aggregator, a citation machine, a curator, a specialist." |
The Cataloger "Even within the library profession my job is very under-appreciated." |
The Librarian #3 "I am not your doormat. Make your own copies." |
The Librarian #4 "I am not a babysitter for teachers' planning periods." Read more at www.theatlantic.com |
Originally published: August 23, 2011 11:25 AM
Updated: September 6, 2011 8:41 AM
http://long-island.newsday.com/kids/mailto:jennifer.berger@newsday.com?subject=Newsday.com Article
As a parent, you strive
to help your children succeed in school, and that often means encouraging them to do their homework and study for tests. But one of the most important things you can do for your child's development is to read together.
1. Incorporate technology
2. Share your favorite children's book
3. Be silly
4. Make a game of it
5. Participate in story time
6. Set a good example
7. Get comfy
8. Store books where you store toys
9. Take turns reading
10. Schedule daily family reading time
11. Join a kids book club
12. Start a family book club
13. Let your child run the show
14. Use books as a reward
15. Go for non-fiction books
16. Read a book, watch the movie
17. Don't limit reading to fiction
18. Build a playlist
19. Find topics your kids love
20. Let your child be the author
21. Check it off
22. Choose your own adventure
23. Quiz your kids
24. Act it out
25. Make books easily accessibleRead more at long-island.newsday.com
A constant battle...
Copyright, Fair Use, and Electronic Materials: Three Tips
September 1, 2011
Daniel Fusch, Academic Impressions
The recent slew of intellectual property rights lawsuits against institutions of higher education -- such as the lawsuit filed against Georgia State University over e-reserves, or the lawsuit over video streaming at UCLA -- make two things clear: how little is understood on campus about what "fair use" entails, and how critical it is to plan for risk mitigation as your campus community increasingly makes use of digital content.
Smith and McDonald offer three tips for addressing fair use at your institution proactively rather than reactively.
1. Read and Negotiate the License
2. Establish a Campus-Wide Fair Use Policy
Read more at www.academicimpressions.com3. Educate Your Campus
Librarians are typically stereotyped as afraid of change, and change often comes slowly. In today's ever changing world, this model will quickly leave us antiquated and purposeless. We have to find ways of keeping ourselves meaningful to our patrons so that they will continue to see the relevance of libraries in helping them to navigate through the overwhelming wealth of information.
There is a wealth of wisdom from the Taoist philosophy that could be applied in librarianship.
Laws Create Lawbreakers
Bend, Don’t Break
Realize When Enough is Enough
Be Like Water
Read more at andyburkhardt.comLibrarians need the ability to be in touch with reality and not be blind or naive. The job of a librarian does not have to be a struggle against obsolescence or a constant proving of their value to stakeholders and administrators. Instead librarians can try to understand what is actually of value to our patrons and be leading the parade instead of fighting against it.
Though the University has an attorney, I as the librarian that oversees reserves and interlibrary loan, have become the default copyright guru on campus. When people have a copyright question, they often hit me up, and I also try to educate the community through presentations and such when possible. This article by Jennifer Howard goes over some really good basic facts that I too wish more people knew.
What You Don't Know About Copyright, but Should
By Jennifer Howard
If you think you don't own any copyrights, think again.
Know your rights when you sign contracts with publishers or others to distribute your work
Fair use is complicated—but you can also call on the principle of "classroom use."
Don't be ruled by fear.
"A risk-oriented, compliance-oriented mind-set is one of the things that makes fair use smaller and helps us not innovate around copyright law in other ways," Ms. Sims says.
Ask for help. And make a difference.Read more at chronicle.com
Though I've read a number of these books, I have not read as many as I would have liked. I'm going to set this as a reading goal for myself. I was going to say it would be my summer project, but I think I may need to allot a bit more time. Let's see how long it takes me to get through the list.
The 100 greatest non-fiction books
After keen debate at the Guardian's books desk, this is our list of the very best factual writing, organised by category, and then by date.
See how closely it matches yours and tell us what we've missed
Read more at www.guardian.co.ukThe greatest non-fiction books live here ... the British Museum Reading Room.
(From my MIL - I really needed this laugh!) For those of us who feel only the deepest love and affection for the way computers have enhanced our lives, read on. At a recent computer expo (COMDEX), Bill Gates reportedly compared the computer industry with the auto industry and stated, 'If Ford had kept up with technology like the computer industry has, we would all be driving $25 cars that got 1,000 miles to the gallon.' In response to Bill 's comments, Ford issued a press release stating: If Ford had developed technology like Microsoft, we would all be driving cars with the following characteristics (and I just love this part): 1. For no reason whatsoever, your car would crash.........Twice a day. 2.. Every time they repainted the lines in the road, you would have to buy a new car. 3... Occasionally your car would die on the freeway for no reason.. You would have to pull to the side of the road, close all of the windows, shut off the car, restart it, and reopen the windows before you could continue. For some reason you would simply accept this. 4. Occasionally, executing a maneuver such as a left turn would cause your car to shut down and refuse to restart, in which case you would have to reinstall the engine. 5. Macintosh would make a car that was powered by the sun, was reliable, five times as fast and twice as easy to drive - but would run on only five percent of the roads. 6. The oil, water temperature, and alternator warning lights would all be replaced by a single 'This Car Has Performed An Illegal Operation' warning light. I love the next one!!! 7. The airbag system would ask 'Are you sure?' before deploying. 8. Occasionally, for no reason whatsoever, your car would lock you out and refuse to let you in until you simultaneously lifted the door handle, turned the key and grabbed hold of the radio antenna. 9. Every time a new car was introduced car buyers would have to learn how to drive all over again because none of the controls would operate in the same manner as the old car. 10. You'd have to press the 'Start' button to turn the engine off. PS - I 'd like to add that when all else fails, you could call ' customer service ' in some foreign country and be instructed in some foreign language how to fix your car yourself!!!! Please share this with your friends who love - but sometimes hate - their computer! |
A Digital Generation Scours the Library for a Plug
By Michael Kelley
Dec 30, 2010
Thirty years ago, the only person in a library looking for an electrical outlet was a blue-smocked cleaning person who had to plug in a vacuum cleaner with a very long cord.
Times have changed.
Universities struggle to keep up
The problem cuts across all library sectors.
"The lack of adequate power is a fairly big issue for [the Dimond Library]," Tracey Lauder, the assistant dean for library administration at the University of New Hampshire, told LJ. "Students frequently move large tables and soft seating closer to walls with outlets, or they bring their own extension cords, which obviously can be a hazard," she said.
"Plugs are popular" was number four on the list, because without them the digital generation cannot power the connection to information or with one another.
"It extends the social network, where students can sit and talk and collaborate," Stephens told UAB Magazine.
To complicate matters, installing new outlets is considered an extra, and Dimond Library has to dip into its operating budget to pay for them. And they aren't cheap. The recent installation of six wall and six floor receptacles would have cost $10,568, but the decision was made to install the wall receptacles only during the library's redesign since the floor outlets would have required drilling.
Redburn also noted that at public libraries it's not so much the collaborative nature of work, as it is at universities, but the hard economic times that drive more people to the library in search of an interface for their media.
"People can't afford Internet service at home anymore, they can't afford a print cartridge, so there's a causal relationship between the economy and the growth of people using the library," she said.
"Consider the need for additional floor electrical outlets at circulation and reference desks, workrooms, offices for staff use, audiovisual areas, and in reading areas for customer use," reads one example in section 3-5.4.
But when a library wants to raise the bar on its electrical infrastructure, the answer is two words: raised floor.
The main benefit with raised floors is that the power distribution does not run in a fixed conduit, so the library can change the configuration of outlets.
Read more at www.libraryjournal.comStill, the ultimate answer, several sources said, may be longer lasting batteries, a part of the natural evolution of technology and the many curious problems it brings. Down the road, the question may be what to do with all the unused outlets.